Food Photographer

Food Photography in Virginia

Bring your food product to our studio or we come to your restaurant, bar and business. You will be amazed by the results.

Food Photography Tysons Corner

Looking for a food photography Tysons Corner?Food picture quality is your number one marketing tool, and we could be we are looking for.  We offer professional food photography for creating and updating menus, your website, magazine ads, signs and direct mail marketings. At Maryland Food Photography we offer photo shoot on location at the restaurant. On site shoots are typically styled by the Chef, food stylist or by us. We do not charge you for food styling as long as you buy the props. We just charge you for shooting and editing.

We sought to create a service that would help the wealth of businesses we had dined at and enjoyed in and around Tysons Corner, and we pride ourselves on offering a level of service and customer care that is increasingly becoming a rarity. Our style is relaxed and inviting and this we believe to be a core reason as to why we enjoy such a rate of customer retention.

Our customers, who were previously forced to use inexperienced general photographers, or expensive food photographers with services targetting big businesses and the print market, are now afforded the luxury of images unique to their business at a cost that is relevant to their business sector.

We have the capacity and ability to capture projects both large and small, from two hour shoots held onsite in your restaurant, through to photographs captured over several days in a studio for a publication.

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Why Choose Us


With over 15 years of experience in general photography and 10 years focus on food photography, we can assist you with every aspect of your project. From styling to color composition, props selection and retouching.


We really know how to bring out the best in food photography. We understand client relationships and how to offer value for every job we do. Using the most experienced photographers and latest photography equipments, we deliver the highest quality images


Our prices are based on the time we spend to shoot your food product and post production time such as retouching. Our projects range from $400 to thousands. We do not charge you for food styling as long as you provide the props. We just charge you for shooting and editing.